Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Circumnavigation Route

When we first came up with the idea of selling everything and moving onto a boat to explore the world, the most natural next step was to plan a circumnavigation.  We had no idea, nor did we really care what others' reactions would be to the whole idea.  We were doing it for ourselves.  After all, we have lived our lives trying to fit within boundaries, attempting to marry what made us happy with the expectations of family, society, the norm...but it has never worked for us and we have ultimately failed ourselves time and time again.  We cared so much about this whole idea of success and what it looked like...we almost destroyed ourselves in the process.  Well, if we had only known then, what we know now, we would have done pretty much everything different.  So, throwing caution to the wind, we are almost off...and our "route" is complete.

How we came up with it:

We are go big or go home types of people.  Both of us were collegiate athletes, both were killing ourselves in the consulting world to fast track to Partner, and that aspect of us will never change....it is like we were born with it.  So, going around the world is not some sort of crazy or out of reach goal for us; in our minds, we have no doubt we will kick ass at it.  

It was time to sit down and plan out a route.  There are typical "circumnavigating cruising" routes out there that help get you around the world comfortably with factors such as trade winds, time of year, currents, etc.  We started from there, and expanded to places we have always wanted to see.  We have no expected time it will take us to get around the world, we will stop in every country, island and atoll we can get away with, and we will enjoy the journey.  After all, it isn't about the destination, it is about the journey.  

Our Route in a nutshell:  * This route can and will change based on...whatever we want :)

Year 1:  St Maarten -- Anguilla -- St Barths -- Barboda -- St Kitts/Nevis -- Antigua -- Montserrat -- Guadeloupe -- Dominica -- Martinique -- St Lucia -- St Vincent/Grenadines -- Grenada -- Trinidad/Tobago -- Grenada -- Los Roques -- Bonaire -- CuraƧao -- Santa Marta -- Cartegena -- San Blas Islands --

Year 2:  Panama Canal -- Galapagos -- Pacific Ocean Crossing -- Marquesas -- Tahiti with all of its Islands and Atolls, including Bora Bora -- Tonga -- Fiji -- Vanuatu -- Noemea -- New Zealand -- Sydney --

Year 3:  more of Australia -- Darwin -- Bali -- Singapore -- Ho Chi Minh City -- Hong Kong -- Shanghai -- Hong Kong -- Ho Chi Minh -- Singapore --

Year 4:  Phuket -- Beaches of Thailand -- Maldives -- Cochin -- Dubai -- Dijibouti --

Years 5 and 6:  Turkey -- Croatia -- Greece -- Italy -- South of France -- Spain -- Azores -- Bermuda -- East Coast

As always, please let us know if you have any suggestions of other awesome places or just any questions in general.  We love hearing from you!

Renn, Rob, Elle, Berkeley

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