Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Kanaloa is in the water...and so are we!!

Wow, what a week it has been.  We launched Kanaloa last Monday...Halloween to be exact.  The launch went as well as expected with only a minor engine scare and an overnight on a tough dock.  We boarded Kanaloa knowing nothing about her, or how to work her systems...including the heads (toilets), power, watermaker, shower pump...oh you know, the necessities.  It made for a tough night, but we were finally on our boat and that in itself led to a glorious night...no power and all :)

The next day we moved her to her new home for a month, this lovely marina that Reg (our boat guy and basically most amazing human who has taken us under his wing) told us about.  Here we are working on the rigging, our mainsail (which is stuck), and everything else that goes along with boat ownership.  We also are getting our safety inspection this Saturday so we can register Kanaloa (we are registering her in St Maarten) and FINALLY get on our way!!  We plan to take her out every day, then Tuesday we are going to take her out to anchor overnight so we can watch the super moon from the best seat in the house :)

We have done a lot of projects since putting her in the water, and have failed at some, succeeded at some, and learned from all of them.  It is an investment, our floating home on the water, and we want her to be happy :)  It's not so bad doing boat work though in these exotic locations...we definitely will not complain...life is good.

We are slowly learning everything and in turn, life is getting easier.  The girls are acclimating just brilliantly to this lifestyle and have already made friends, learned to sleep with no air conditioning, and are just two really amazing people.  Robbie and I are learning to get into a routine with life and every day gets a little easier as we learn what works and what doesn't.

We feel so very fortunate for the cruising community and all of the love and support from our family, friends, and new Youtube family.  Really, you guys are amazing and it has made this journey even that much more enjoyable.

Stay tuned as Robbie is going to take over this blog for a few days as we get into a routine with it :)  Goal is to get on a Mon, Wed, Fri routine...we can do it!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday :)  Catch ya later!!

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