Wednesday, October 5, 2016

12 days of Christmas...or something like that

Update:  We did absolutely nothing today.  Hopefully someone else feels accomplished with their day, because I most definitely do not.  Robbie went to DC for work and the girls and I did a whole bunch of nothing, with the exception of homeschool and an exciting 20 minute walk to the beach.  It was an eerie feeling walking down to the beach with Hurricane Matthew out there somewhere.  Even as far north as VA Beach, the ocean just looked angry and being so close to it, you feel incredibly is a very humbling place that will soon be our home.

On a lighter note, I feel like I am 6 years old again, counting down the days until Christmas...where I was so excited I could not sleep, and where time seemed to stop and days would seem endless.  Flash forward to my 34 year old self, and I am back there again.  12 days until we leave, 12 days!!!!  Our new floors should be in by the end of the week and our dodger frame should be up.  This is exciting stuff people, because these few things signify the last little bit we have to get done (by other people) before we move on board.  I need a 12 day hobby to occupy my a.d.d mind.  Any ideas??

Until tomorrow...

Happy Hump Day,

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